Una galería del gato Zaratustra que viaja en el tiempo y visita pinturas famosas de grandes artistas del pasado y del presente.
Imágenes de Svetlana Petrova & Zarathustra the Cat /

Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, True version.

Leonardo da Vinci. Lady with a Cat pretending to be an Ermine (Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani).

Sandro Botticelli, The Birth of Venus.

Michelangelo, The Creation of cAt-dam.

Raphael, Sistine Madonna, Group of Angels.

Rosso Fiorentino, Musical Angel-Cat.

Titian, Venus of Urbino, Happily ever after.

Titian, Venus with a Mirror or Venus in furs. True version. Part I of Venus’ Selfie diptych.

Pieter Bruegel, The Tower of Babel, 1565.

Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring and a Ginger Cat.

Bartholomeus van der Helst. Fat Boy and Fat Cat. Portrait of Gerard Andriesz. Bicker with his Cat.

Titian, Venus with a Mirror or Venus in furs. True version. Part 2 of Venus’ Selfie diptych.

Sir Henry Raeburn, Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch, aka Skating Minister and Skating Cat. Not gonna get Us!

Vincent van Gogh, Irises and the Cat.

Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory.

Katsushika Hokusai, Great Wave off Catnagawa, or Happy End of the World Day (oceanic version).

Claude Monet, Bathing in a Pond of Water Lilies.

Johannes Vermeer, The Kitchen Maid and the Cat.

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, The Night Watch (Company of Frans Banning Cocq and the Cat).

Adriaen van Utrecht, Still Life inmpoved by the Cat, 1644.

Botticelli, Pallas and the Cat.

El Greco, The Nobleman with his Cat on his Chest.

Viktor Vasnetsov, Russian Heroes (Bogatyri) and the Russian Hero Cat.

Jean-Honore Fragonard, Stolen Kiss.

Ivan Argunov, Portrait of an Unknown Woman in Russian Costume and a Well Known Cat in a Vet Collar, 1784.

Paul Cézanne, The Cat Card Players.

Edvard Munch, The Scream, or The Cream of the Scream.

Frida Kahlo, Two Fridas and One Cat.

Grant Wood, American Gothic. I can has cheeseburger?

Caravaggio, Bacchus: Wine vs Catnip.

William Blake, The Ancient of Days, true version.

Jan Steen, The Merry Family, 1668.